Percy bysshe shelley ozymandias biography for kids

  • Percy bysshe shelley ozymandias biography for kids
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    Percy Bysshe Shelley

    Percy Bysshe Shelley (August 4, 1792 - July 8, 1822) was an English Romantic poet, famous for poems such as "Ozymandias" , "Ode to the West Wind" and "To a Skylark".

    Percy bysshe shelley ozymandias biography for kids

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  • Born into an extremely wealthy family of Sussex gentry and heir to a baronetcy, Shelley received education at Eton College and then went to the University of Oxford (University College). His first publication was a Gothic novel, Zastrozzi (1810), in which he gave vent to his atheisticworldview through the villain Zastrozzi.

    In the same year, Shelley together with his sister Elizabeth published Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire. After going up to Oxford, he issued a collection of (ostensibly burlesque but actually subversive) verse, Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson.

    A fellow-collegian, Thomas Jefferson Hogg, may have been his collaborator.

    In 1811, Shelley published a pamphlet, "The Necessity of Atheism", which resulted in his being sent down from Oxford, along with Hogg.