Lyre from the tomb of queen puabi
Lyre from the tomb of queen puabi in harry potter!
Lyre from the tomb of queen puabi
The Great Lyre: found in the King's Grave. The head, face and horns are gold foil wrapped over a wooden form. The hair and beard are lapis lazuli, as are the eyes, inlaid into shell.
The front panel is shell inlaid in bitumen. This image has been photographically enhanced to improve the color quality and to give an idea of how the lyre looked when it was new.
Click on the image to see the original photo.
Lyre from the tomb of queen puabi in the bible
See another view of the lyre additionally enlarged.
3/4 view of the Great Lyre. Click on the pictures to enlarge them in a separate window.
Leonard Woolley holding one of several lyres discovered in the Royal Tombs of Ur.
Two lyres and a harp, in situ, as they were found in the "Great Death Pit".
The lyre on the left is the Silver Lyre. In the middle is the Royal Harp, and on the right is the Golden Lyre, all of which are&n