Turning ten biography
Turning ten biography
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On Turning Ten by Billy Collins
Growing up and childhood experiences is a motif repeatedly mentioned in a lot of Billy Collin's poetry. Whether its reminiscing on the glories or the growth, what I as reader interpret is that childhood is a key influence in the poet's life hence the constant repetition.My particular favorite regarding childhood is the poem 'On Turning Ten' which a humorous insight on joys of childhood and the woes of growing up.
Turning ten is usually quite a big step in childhood because its when you hit the first double digits number and it might also be considered a right of passage in some cultures. Therefore, with the title beginning with 'On Turning Ten' which insinuates the poet wants to further explain this issue, Collin's tackles not only a very relatable age but unfortunately one that not many people choose to ponder on.
I believe this is what makes this poem more unique because everyone will write something on becoming a teen