Theophrastus bombastus von hohenheim called paracelsus biography

  • Theophrastus bombastus von hohenheim called paracelsus biography
  • Theophrastus bombastus von hohenheim called paracelsus biography pdf...

    Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus Biography

    Born: November 10, 1493
    Einsiedeln, Switzerland
    Died: September 24, 1541
    Salzburg, Austria

    Swiss alchemist and doctor

    Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus was a Swiss doctor and alchemist (medieval doctor) noted for founding medical chemistry.

    Theophrastus bombastus von hohenheim called paracelsus biography

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  • Theophrastus bombastus von hohenheim called paracelsus biography 1
  • Theophrastus bombastus von hohenheim called paracelsus biography pdf
  • Father of modern toxicology
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  • He also was the first physician to correctly describe a number of serious illnesses, including tuberculosis, a disease of the lungs.

    Youth and early career

    Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, later called Paracelsus, was born in Einsiedeln, Switzerland, on November 10,

    Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus.

    Reproduced by permission of

    Archive Photos, Inc.

    1493. His father was a physician and instructed Theophrastus in Latin, botany, chemistry, and the history of religion.

    Theophrastus bombastus von hohenheim called paracelsus biography 1

    Theophrastus attended a mining school in Villach, where his father was appointed town physician. There he learned about metals, ores, and chemicals used to process them.

    Theophrastus studied in Basel, Swi