Mendel biography brevel

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    Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Johann Mendel (Heinzendorf, Austria,[1] 20 July 1822 – Brünn, Austro-Hungary,[2] 6 January 1884) was an Austrianmonk and botanist.[3]

    Mendel founded genetics by his work cross-breeding peaplants.

    Mendel biography brevel

  • Mendel biography brevel
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  • Mendel biography brevel theory
  • Gregor mendel biography
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  • He discovered dominant and recessive characters, i.e. genes from the crosses he performed on the plants in his greenhouse. What he learnt is known today as Mendelian inheritance. His work was not appreciated at first, but was 'rediscovered' in 1900 by Carl Correns and Hugo de Vries.

    Mendel biography brevel and associates

    Erich von Tschermak's status as a third rediscoverer is now less convincing.[source?]

    The experiments

    [change | change source]

    Mendel used the edible peas (Pisum sativum) for his crosses.

    He selected seven characters which were distinctive, and never blended; they occurred as either-or alternatives. Examples: plant height (short or tall); colour of peas (green or yellow); position of flowers (restricted to the top or distributed along the