Sample senior graduation biography
Senior graduation quotes...
Sample senior graduation biography examples
Please see the requirements below for senior bios, but REMEMBER, what you write is a reflection of you and of our school.
Simple short bio example yourself
Make them appropriate and concise or they will not get published! For your Senior Bio, please fill out the form on the reverse side and put it in Ms. Stinefelt’s mailbox by Friday, January 16, 2015. Include the following: 1.
2. 3. 4.
Sample senior graduation biography
5. High School Sports Honors/Awards High School Clubs Future Plans/College and/or Intended Major OPTIONAL: A famous quote INCLUDING person/character who said it. Please note, your quote will be cut if it is A) inappropriate or does not include who said it, or B) if it will not fit in the space allotted.
**List activities you have done since the 9th grade at Hereford High School.** Examples