Native american singer songwriters

  • Native american singer songwriters
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    Native american singer songwriters

  • Native american singer songwriters
  • Biography barack
  • Native american singer songwriters from the cheyenne and shoshone tribes
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  • Native american singer from the 70s
  • Native american singers male
  • List of Native American musicians

    This is a list of Native American musicians and singers. They are notable musicians and singers, who are from peoples Indigenous to the contemporary United States, including Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native Americans in the United States.[1][2] While Native American identity can at times be a complex and contested issue, the Bureau of Indian Affairs defines Native American as having American Indian or Alaska Native ancestry, and legally, being Native American is defined as being enrolled in a federally recognized tribe or Alaskan village.

    Ethnologically, factors such as culture, history, language, religion, and familial kinships can influence Native American identity.[3]

    All individuals on this list should have reliably-sourced Native American citizenship, to be listed as Native American (or ancestry, to be listed as a descendant) not just personal claims/belief. Historical figures might predate trib